Welcome Home

Plan Your Visit

Welcome to the Northside Church of Christ where we love visitors! Do not be surprised if someone notices you in the parking lot and begins a conversation with you. We are a very friendly congregation.

Service Times
Sundays - 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, & 5:00 PM
Wednesdays - 10:00 AM Adult Bible Study, 7:00 PM Bible Study

Address                                                        Phone
4736 Ave. B Jacksonville, FL 32209           (904) 765-9830


Where to park
If the parking lot outlining the church building is full, please feel free to park in the open field across the Weaver Rd. access. Our Parking Lot Security will be available to direct you.

Where to enter the Building
Whether you enter the property from the Ave. B gate or the Weaver Rd. gate, look for the signs that point towards the Sanctuary entrance.

First timers
Greeters are waiting excitedly to acknowledge you at each sanctuary entrance and point you in the right direction. If you were invited by someone, let our ushers know they will try to seat you next to them so that you feel more at home.

At the end of service, as you exit the building, expect a personal salutation from one or both of our ministers, who enjoy meeting visitors, and an invitation to join us again at your earliest convenience.

We are a New Testament church with a plea that we all might be one. We seek to carry out this plea by believing and teaching the inspired word of God and expressing 1 John 4:7.

We meet publicly at 8:00 AM for early morning worship, 10:00 AM for Bible school for all ages, 11:00 AM for late morning worship, and 5:00 PM for evening worship. Our 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM services can also be viewed online on Facebook or YouTube. We never delete a recording, feel free to watch any video at your leisure.

We also offer a Wednesday morning adult-only Bible class at 10:00 AM and a Wednesday evening Bible class at 7:00 PM for all ages.

We observe COVID-19 CDC guidelines at all of our public assemblies.

Where do my kids go? There is a nursery room in our main hallway. You may trust to sign in your toddler-aged children and sign them out after service is over. Behind the lobby is a cry room. This room is for those with infants who may become fussy. The room is equipped with a one-way mirror, a tv monitor, and sound so that you may continue to view and hear the worship service.

Do I have to register my kids? Pre-registration for our nursery is not necessary nor is it required. You will need to sign them in and out.

Can my kids just stay with me? You are more than welcome to keep your children with you during the worship service.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?

We ask that you wear whatever modest apparel you are comfortable with wearing. You will probably notice several of our members wearing the same colors at any given assembly. This is to show unity and to make it easier for visitors to know who to speak to about a concern or question.

Who should I talk to?

Our congregation is a very hospitable one. Our greeters and ushers will have name badges on, but any member is willing and able to assist you.

Will I have to identify myself or be called out?

In the lobby area is our Welcome Desk where someone will greet you and ask that you complete a visitors information card; this is optional. If you choose to fill it out, please fill it out completely. You will be acknowledged at the end of our service based on the visitor’s card you completed. You may stand or wave your hand; you do not have to speak. The information you provide on the card will be entered and saved into our database. You may receive invitations to attend our various programs, events, or community activities.

Am I expected to give money?

During each worship service, we engage in five particular action items. We sing without the aid of mechanical instruments, pray, actively listen and respond to a sermon, cheerfully give a monetary contribution of an amount that is personally purposed within each individual’s heart, and we take part in a memorial communion using a prepackaged wafer and juice.

Please do not feel obligated or pressured to participate as a visitor. We would rather that you have an understanding of why we perform these actions than for you to blindly do them with us. If you find that you have any questions about what we do and/or why we do it, please do not hesitate to ask.

What about communion?

As a New Testament church, we believe in serving communion each first day of the week. You are not obligated to participate if you are not comfortable with doing so.

Have More Questions - Contact Us

Contact Us

Who We Are

We are a congregation of the churches of Christ established by Jesus Christ in A.D. 33. Our mission is to save souls and help souls stay saved. Welcome to the Northside Church of Christ. With this in mind, we take evangelism very seriously. It is the core of everything we do (Matthew 28:19-20). We are a New Testament church and our plea is that we all might be one. We seek to carry out this plea by believing and teaching the inspired word of God and expressing 1 John 4:7.

We believe that God has great plans for us if we continue to do His will. We do this by working together to edify the strong, restore the weak, and persuade the lost.